Netivyah Bible Instruction Ministry

Netivyah in Hebrew means "the Way of the Lord." "The Way" was one of the names by which the early community of believers was known in the Brit Chadashah (New Testament). Paul says: "... According to the Way which they call 'sectarian,' I do serve the God of our fathers, believing everything that is accordance with the Torah, and that is written in the Prophets" (Acts 24:14). As followers of "the Way," we believe in the God of Israel, the God of Avraham, Yitzchak, and Ya'akov. We try to be faithful to God's law (the Torah) and to the rest of Scripture - the Prophets and the Writings. We believe that the Messiah promised in God's word is Yeshua (Jesus), the one who "saves His people from their sins" (Matt 1:21).

First Century Jewish Messianic Faith in Twenty-First Century Jerusalem

Netivyah is a twenty-first century heir of this first century community. Its primary goals are to equip believers to present the good news of the Messiah to Jews and to provide messianic Jewish believers with the opportunity to live and worship in a manner similar to that of first century believers. Netivyah also endeavors to restore the Jewish roots of the New Testament as well as to demonstrate faithful and biblically appropriate attitudes toward Israel. Its central focus is to teach Jews and Christians alike to understand and appreciate the New Testament as a Jewish book, integrally tied to the Tanakh, the Hebrew Bible, and to apply this understanding to our own lives. In this way, Netivyah aspires to enable these believers to become reconciled within one body.

Netivyah's Activities

Netivyah accomplishes its aims in several ways. Netivyah's journal, Teaching from Zion (Torah mi'Tzion), provides teaching on the Jewish background of the Brit Chadashah as well as serving as a forum for discussion on matters relating to Jewish-Christians relations. Netivyah is sponsoring a series of commentaries on the New Testament, which at the moment include The Jewish Roots of Romans, The Jewish Roots of Acts, and The Jewish Roots of Galatians. Teachers from Netivyah also speak worldwide about the Bible, Judaism, the Jewish Roots of the New Testament, the Jewish feasts, and the place of the church in God's purposes. Netivyah appreciates and depends upon the prayers and financial support of its friends from around the world. Netivyah is a local Israeli, government-registered, non-profit organization. Donations may be sent directly to Netivyah in Jerusalem, or for those wishing to receive a US tax-deductible receipt, donations may be sent to our address in the USA.



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