Gary Webster: Tammuz - Finish the race! [2024/5784]

Read the transcript below, or watch a video of the teaching by Gary Webster.

Shalom from Jerusalem, the city of the great king! Tonight begins the month of Tamuz. Summer has arrived, for those of us in the northern hemisphere. Visits to the pool or the beach are in order; turning on the air conditioning is a must if you can afford it. I'm not complaining, though, because I prefer the heat to the cold any day.

If you've been following the news like I have, there's not much good news in the world. You might want to, like the turtle, put your head into your shell, or like this ostrich, bury your head in the sand. It won't change the reality, but at least you won't have to deal with it. I wish to encourage you tonight. A big event is going to happen next month; it will take place in Paris, France. That's right, the 2024 Summer Olympics! The Parisians are putting the finishing touches on the arenas and venues. The spectators have made their reservations. 10,000 world-class athletes are itching to get the show on the road. The Olympics will be a welcome distraction from all the sadness in the world. My favorite event is track and field; the relay races get me excited! You're watching first-class athletes doing their very best. There will be the thrill of victory and the agony of defeat. How would you feel if you were going to Paris to watch the events? How would you feel if you were going to compete? Excited, no doubt? As disciples of Yeshua, we can still feel that excitement. We are in a race of our own, figuratively speaking; and you don't need legs to run this race. This is a spiritual race! Read Hebrews 12:1 and 2 along with me:

"Therefore, we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus or Yeshua, the author and finisher of our faith."

If you've been born from above by God's spirit, you are in this race. Like the Olympians who are coming to Paris, we are being watched by many spectators. Who are they? That, therefore, in verse one refers you and me back to chapter 11 of Hebrews. They're all the saints from Adam on down through the ages; they are cheering us on! I titled this talk "Finish the Race Well." Three things are needed to finish well. First, proper equipment. Have you ever seen a runner wearing an overcoat and boots? No, they're almost naked. In Greek and Roman times, athletes competed in the nude, modern athletes and their audiences have a more modest attitude. All the runners wear light clothing. They have sturdy but light shoes. They do not want to be carrying anything that will slow them down. What about you? What about me? Are we carrying "weights" that are slowing down our spiritual progress? Anger, grudges, bitterness? Are we allowing sins to linger in our lives that can trip us up? Pride, lust, envy? If we want to finish well, well run light! Second, you have to pace yourself. This race you and I are in is not a sprint; it is a marathon. If you go out too fast, then there's not enough juice left to finish strong. If you go too slow, then you'll miss out on the prize. You can stumble while running the marathon and still win; you will lose in a sprint if you stumble. Finish well! Lastly, if you wish to finish well, you must stay focused. The one thought in the runner's mind is getting to the finish line. Their eyes are looking ahead; they don't look to the side or behind. Those actions will throw off your stride! Likewise, we must stay focused on Yeshua. The distractions of this world will cause us to stumble and even make us want to give up.

At this point, I want to share a story about an Olympic runner; his name is Derek Redmond. You might remember him. In 1996, he was in the 400-meter finals. He got off to a good start, and then about 250 meters into the race, he drew up with a hamstring pull. He had torn his hamstring. There's no way he could finish the race, he drew up with a hamstring pull. He had torn his hamstring. There's no way he could finish the race, but his dad came from the stands, put his arm over his, his arms under Derek or Derek's hands over his shoulders, and they limped together to the finish line. That's a very encouraging story of perseverance! Keep your eyes forward; the cloud of witnesses is cheering you on! Like Paul may have said of you, "I have finished the race!" Rosh chodesh samech.