Purim – the Story of the Feast
One may summarize the Jewish feast of Purim with this classic Jewish joke: "They tried to kill us. They failed. Let’s eat!" However, there is much more to this story, where the survival of the Jewish people in the Persian kingdom involved nothing short of a miracle.
Playing the star roles are Mordechai and his cousin Hadassah (Esther), who lived in the capital of the Persian Empire, Shushan. The Book of Esther traces Mordechai's ancestry to Kish, a Benjamite who had been taken captive from Jerusalem during Nebuchadnezzar’s conquest. Hadassah was an orphan raised by Mordechai.
The story begins with the Persian king, Achashverosh, dethroning his queen, Vashti, after she refused to appear before him, the people, and the princes at a feast. To find a new queen, eligible women from across the empire were brought to the palace in Shushan. After completing 12 months of beauty treatments prescribed for women (six months with oil of myrrh and six months with perfumes and cosmetics), they were presented to the king, who would choose one of them to be his queen. Among these women was Hadassah, called Esther. It is believed that her name was changed to conceal her Jewish identity.
It is written that
“Esther obtained favor in the sight of all them that looked upon her” (Esther 2:15).
The king, too, favored her, and she became the new queen of Persia. Her affiliation with Mordechai, who served at the palace, was unknown to the king and to his high prince, Haman.
Haman was a descendant of Agag king of the Amalekites. Haman hated Mordechai and all his people, as Mordechai refused to bow before him. His hatred of the Jewish people is no surprise. This enmity takes us back to the ancient conflict between Israel and Amalek, as recorded in Deuteronomy 25:17-19, where God commanded Israel to
“...blot out the remembrance of Amalek...”
In the first book of Samuel, we learn how King Shaul failed to carry out the command to annihilate the Amalekites resulting in the existence of Haman.
Haman convinces Achashverosh that the Jews are a threat to the Persian kingdom and should be annihilated. With the king's own seal, Haman issues a decree that could not be revoked. On the 13th day of the month of Adar, every Jew across the whole empire of Persia was to be put to death. Haman decides on this day by throwing lots, called 'Pur.' The plural form is 'Purim.'
Mordechai turns to Esther, beseeching her to appear before the king in the hope of preventing the disaster. Esther approaches the king successfully, even though such an action usually would have resulted in death, and invites him and Haman to two successive feasts.
In between these feasts, Achashverosh is reminded of an event where Mordechai saved his life by reporting a conspiracy against him. Achashverosh summons Haman and commands him to honor Mordechai and parade him on the king's horse, clothed in the king's robes, across the city of Shushan. Interestingly, this happens directly after Haman had gallows built with the intention of executing Mordechai before the designated day decreed.
On the night of the second feast, Esther reveals her Jewish identity to the King and exposes Haman's evil intent to destroy her and her people. The king is enraged and has Haman hung on the gallows he meant for Mordechai.
While the original decree could not be reversed, according to the law of the Medes and Persians, a counter decree was issued. On the 13th of Adar the Jewish people were allowed by order of the king to defend themselves. They overcame their enemies throughout the Persian Empire, and on that same day, Haman’s ten sons were executed, bringing an end to the line of Amalek. Mordechai, elevated to Haman’s former position, instituted the annual celebration of Purim on the 14th and 15th of Adar to commemorate their deliverance.
Historical Background
Historically, the exact year when the feast of Purim was first celebrated is unknown. However, we can confidentially say, based on the biblical account, that the date was the 14th day of the month of Adar. In Shushan, the capital of the Persian empire, Purim was celebrated one day later on the 15th of Adar. This is because the fighting inside of Shushan ended one day later than the provinces surrounding the city.
Shortly after these events, the annual celebration of Purim was instituted and has continued until today. Today, in walled cities, it is customary to celebrate Purim on the 15th as well. For this reason, as opposed to other areas in Israel, Purim in Jerusalem is celebrated on the 15th of Adar under the name 'Shushan Purim.'
The biblical background of the story of Purim is found in the book of Esther. The book consists of ten chapters, beginning with Esther's accession as queen and ending with the deliverance of the Jews from annihilation and the constitution of the feast of Purim. In chapter 9 of Esther we find instructions on how Purim should be celebrated.
“They were to make them days of celebrating and rejoicing, sending portions (of food) to each other and giving gifts to the poor”. (Esther 9:22)
Traditions Surrounding Purim
The Feasting:
Purim can be called the 'jolly' holiday, a term appropriate to its original theme of celebrating and rejoicing. In order to celebrate, the rabbinic tradition of having a Purim feast includes a festive meal featuring plenty of meat, Jewish songs, words of the Torah, and several rounds of alcoholic drinks. If Purim falls on a Shabbat, the meal is held earlier, before midday.
Oznei Haman:
A traditional Purim fare is the 'Ozen Haman' (Haman's ear) otherwise known as 'Hamantashen.' Oznei Haman are triangular shaped cookies with many different choice fillings. The origin of the triangular shape is debatable. One theory is that the shape symbolizes Haman's ears or a three cornered hat he was thought to have worn. Alternatively, the Midrash says that the power of the three Patriarchs (represented by the three corners of the triangular shape) stripped Haman of his strength. Another basic explanation can be drawn from the Jewish European origins of the cookie where folding dough in such a way was simply a baking technique.
Be sure to check out Tess' recipe for delicious, homemade Oznei Haman.
The scrumptious Ozen Haman is not meant to be enjoyed alone. Another Jewish tradition on Purim is to assemble and hand out parcels of food. Not only do you get to bless others, but it is also be a great way to get to know your neighbors besides savoring a variety of Oznei Haman! Inspired by this tradition is the practice of giving children in schools and kindergartens enough sweets to take home and last a week! (If only they would keep them that long). It is also customary to gift money to the poor.
Read more about the traditional giving of gifts (Mishloach Manot).
The Reading of the Megillah:
In synagogues, the Purim service consists of the reading of Megillat Esther. The word 'megillah' means 'scroll' in Hebrew. Since synagogues use scrolls to this day to read from the Bible, the reading of the megillah simply refers to the reading of the book of Ester. This event becomes especially entertaining and interactive, as non-readers hold 'ra'ashanim' (rattle-like noisemakers, also known as 'graggers') in anticipation. Each time the name Haman is mentioned, the audience stamps their feet and uses the ra'ashanim with vigor to display their disdain for his character. Additionally, the crowd can cheer and clap their hands at the mention of the names Esther and Mordechai.
Another main component of Purim celebrations is dressing up. Across the country, costume competitions are held, and both children and adults walk around pretending to be anything or anyone—from the classic Queen Esther to the latest hit movie character or even a doughnut. In schools and kindergartens, dressing up becomes the theme of the week. Each day is allocated a new theme, such as pajama day, hat day, or famous people day. The peak of the week is the day before the Purim vacation begins, when children showcase their personal costume choice. Outside of the educational sector, the celebrations continue, with parades and street dances being common sights.
There are several reasons given for the age-old custom to dress up in costumes and wear masks on Purim. Queen Esther's concealment of her Jewish identity is one of these reasons.
If you would like to celebrate Purim, but are still not sure how, watch our short tutorial for celebrating Purim.
Ta'anit Ester (the Fast of Esther)
For observant Jews, the Purim feast is a postlude to the 'Fast of Esther,' in Hebrew known as 'Ta'anit Ester.' The fast begins at dawn and commences at nightfall of the same day. It takes place the day before Purim, unless the feast falls on a Sunday. In this case, the fast will occur on the Thursday preceding the Shabbat. The fast began in order to commemorate the fasting of Queen Esther and the Jews of Shushan before the queen approached King Achashverosh.
Why is Purim relevant for Messianic believers today?
Purim is a timeless story of God's faithfulness to the Jewish people. 'Timeless' does not signify something old or unchanging; but rather, expresses that no matter how many times the story is retold, it can always be freshly perceived as nothing short of miraculous. It is a miracle every time God saves the Jewish people against all odds, time and time again. These miracles are so great that they are worthy of remembrance each year. In the case of Purim, by reading the megillah, celebrating, dancing, and more.
There is no limit to how much we should praise God and give thanks. Celebrating His actions during this feast is another way to express our love for Him. It is also important to celebrate Purim as a way to educate our children (and to remind us, the adults) about God's character: Who He is, His faithfulness, and His unwavering promises, despite our shortcomings in this broken world.
The tangible Purim celebration of the storytelling, costumes, and sweets passes on this priceless history to the next generations in a very memorable way. This serves as a powerful tool to remind us of who we are and that God is always with us, no matter our circumstances.
Very informative and enjoyable reading indeed. To clarify, the fast begins at dawn and (terminates) at nightfall? Blessings and Shalom.
Shalom Constance,
I’m happy to see that you enjoyed this article!
Yes you are right, the fast is a dawn to nightfall fast.
A wonderful explanation, and so amazing that every feast and celebration is so deserved of a miraculous work of God for the protection and love for His beloved people. The intricate details and meticulous timing’s of these heart stopping events, glorify the most beautiful and perfect ways of Adonai. Love to you wonderful people and your Mighty Creator and now, our beloved creator ❤️
Shalom Jemeela,
thank you for sharing your thoughts, heart and for your kind words.