Is God Turning Things Around?
-By Zahava Ilan-
“They say that what is right is wrong and what is wrong is right; that black is white and white is black; bitter is sweet and sweet is bitter.” Isaiah 5:20.
Isaiah wrote these words thousands of years ago, and they seem so pertinent today.
Society is telling our children that there are no longer two genders. Children can pick their gender and choose to be whatever they want. In some states, they can even do it without their parents’ consent.
Family-friendly entertainment has a whole different twist from 20 years ago, with at least one character in every movie or TV series having to be LGBTQ or transgender.
It seems there’s no stopping this train that’s headed for a complete wreck, but there is hope. First of all, God is in control, no matter what, and He’s always working behind the scenes.
"He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together," Colossians 1:17.
Last month a revival started at Asbury University in Kentucky. It started in a chapel service with students repenting and worshiping; some of the students didn’t want to leave. It lasted over two weeks and spread to other universities, high schools, and even middle schools across America.
This tiny town of 6,000 people was overflowing with people waiting in a line over half a mile long to get into the chapel! Some people came from other countries to experience the presence of God.
What was so beautiful about the Asbury revival is that it was so genuine, with no big names or dynamic light shows to bring publicity. It was just a bunch of college students wanting to honor and worship God.
At the same time, the Jesus Revolution movie about the true story from the 1960’s of the “Jesus movement” hit theatres with rave reviews and lives being changed. Even some people got baptized in fountains outside the movie theatres!
Another interesting show is the successful crowdfunded series “The Chosen” which has impressed a lot of people around the world with the quality storytelling of the life of Yeshua and His disciples. It actually portrays the Jewishness of Yeshua in a refreshing way and the characters seem very believable.
Some think that the timing of the Asbury revival, the Jesus Revolution, and The Chosen all coming out at the same time is the “New Great Awakening.” Will there be another Jesus, Yeshua movement? I hope so.
It gives me hope that young people are turning from their sins and seeking Yeshua. May that fire of revival burn up the lust of self-pleasure that the world is displaying.
Let's pray for our young people that they would seek Yeshua with all their hearts, minds, and soul.
“But from there you will search again for the Lord your God. And if you search for him with all your heart and soul, you will find him.” Deuteronomy 4:29.
Zahava Ilan made Aliyah from America over 5 years ago and loves living in Israel. She enjoys talking to people and telling their stories.