
Caring for the Sick and Elderly in Our Community

Published December 16, 2018 | Updated August 26, 2019

by Gabriella Tzin

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    One significant part of the work we do within our local community in Jerusalem is caring for the sick and elderly.  We believe it is of utmost importance to give support to our brothers and sisters in need, whether it is through prayer, visitation, or offering practical help. This fundamental ideology can be seen in many places throughout the Bible, including in these two passages:

    “Is anyone among you sick? Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord.” (James 5:14)

    “But if anyone has the world’s goods and sees his brother in need, yet closes his heart against him, how does God’s love abide in him?” (1 John 3:17)

    Offering a hand to those in need is crucial for us as believers; it is one of the most basic ways that we can demonstrate and live out Yeshua’s love.

    At Netivyah, we are pleased to be able to accomplish this essential work within our own congregation. Some time ago, we formed a visitation committee compiled of giving individuals who are willing to help care for others in need within the community.  Their duties include visiting the elderly and sick in their homes, calling to check up on them, praying for them, offering practical help such as going grocery shopping, assisting with cleaning, or bringing meals.

    We have eight terrific visitation volunteers and approximately seven individuals that are currently being visited. While this committee is one of our more recent projects, we are thrilled with the progress that has been made and are excited to continue growing this important work within our community.

    Published December 16, 2018 | Updated August 26, 2019

    About Gabriella Tzin

    Gabriella is the content writer for Netivyah Bible Instruction Ministry in Jerusalem. She enjoys hiking and exploring the great outdoors with her husband and cat in her spare time. Some of her other hobbies and interests include raising chickens, sheep wrestling, shotgun skeet shooting, yoga, photography, and making mosaics.



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