Over 16 years of serving Messianic soldiers in Israel.
Today there are over 200 Messianic soldiers serving in the Israeli military.
The IDF Soldiers who believe in Yeshua the Messiah.
It’s not easy Being a soldier in Israel is hard, Physically, Mentally.
Right now, they’re training in the mud, the rain, and the cold. Standing guard at all hours of the night. They are far from home. And far from their supporting communities and congregations.
These Messianic soldiers stand out from the others. They give Yeshua a good name in the IDF.
My name is Yehuda Bachana. Director of Netivyah Bible Instruction Ministry in Jerusalem, Israel.
We here at Netivyah love our soldiers. We constantly carry them in prayer before our Heavenly Father!
It's important for us to live out this love. And not just by prayer.
Purim is the holiday in which we bless all Messianic soldiers in Israel with a gift. We’ve been doing this every year for 16 years now. For soldiers from 30 congregations (all over Israel).
We’ve touched the lives of thousands of Messianic soldiers by now. Even years after the gifts were received, we still get many encouraging responses.
This year we will be giving a PAKAL KAFE (a coffee kit).
The word “pakal” is actually an acronym of the words “pkudat keva lechayal,” which means “a fixed command for soldiers,” that is – everything the soldier must have with him at all times.
But as in many other cases, army acronyms and army slang receive other meanings outside of military life and one such example is “pakal kafe” – everything you might need in order to make coffee (or tea) outside.
If you’ve ever hiked with Israelis, then you’ll definitely have seen this already. Once the summit has been reached, or some other beautiful spot.
Israelis will always pull out a cloth bag (or carton box if they’re with a car) containing a small portable burner, a little pot, a couple of glasses, sugar, tea, and coffee, and then proceed to make coffee, eat cookies and talk about life.
The same is true in the army, on a day in the field, the PAKAL will come out at
least 15 times for short breaks to talk about life (and Yeshua).
In Israel, the military service is mandatory, and the soldiers receive a small allowance, not a salary like is in the United States and other countries, during their service they continue to live with their parents.
Most soldiers can’t afford the luxury of the PAKAL KAFE that we will give them together with handwritten letters from the children of our congregation, to lift their spirits.
And it can be enjoyed for many years after their service. Including service in reserve duty.
In addition, we're giving a bag full of goodies, including: cupcakes, coffee, cookies, shampoo, soap, and more....
Together with handwritten letters from the children of our congregations, to lift their spirits.
It is a Jewish custom to give gifts to the needy during the upcoming holiday of Purim. I invite you to adopt at least one Messianic soldier, and send him or her a package.
Let's open our hearts and show them some love and appreciation.
Photos courtesy of the Israel Defense Forces

We love our soldiers, especially our believing soldiers. This year we are again showing our love by giving them something that they will be able to regularly use while they’re in the service and afterward.
Israeli law mandates that both men and women must serve their country after finishing their education. For anyone, serving in the army is typically a demanding and challenging experience but even more so for believers. Not only must they overcome the routine challenges, they also must defend and live their faith.
For this reason, Netivyah proudly supports Messianic soldiers throughout the country by donating both appreciated and useful gifts to them, every spring, for the past ten years.
This year, we have decided to give away high-quality Everest 80-liter (21 gallon) backpacks that will be loaded with snacks and toiletry products, as well as an encouraging card written by our community members.
Not only will this special present be perfectly useful to the soldiers, but it will also show them that they are supported by other believers throughout the world.
Our goal is to distribute these care packages during the month of March to about 200 believing soldiers that are actively serving in the Israel Defense Forces.

Everest 80-liter backpack
A major contributor to this initiative requires special mention and appreciation. New Beginnings Church in Dallas, Texas has faithfully partnered with Netivyah on this project several years already, and their donations have empowered Netivyah to substantially boost the quantity and quality of the care packages.
On behalf of Netivyah and of the hundreds of ambassadors of Messiah throughout the Israeli Defense Forces, we wish to thank Pastor Larry Huch and his community from the depths of our grateful hearts for abundantly blessing the people and nation of Israel.
You also have the opportunity to partner with us in blessing Messianic Israeli soldiers. If you have a heart for Israel and especially for hard-working service members, then commit to this worthy cause and support a believing Israeli soldier today!
Join us in bringing a smile to an Israeli soldier. God bless you for your donation and support of Messianic soldiers in Israel.